Spray paint typically enhances the aesthetic quality of any surface said substance is applied to. That said, the intended surface often plays a significant role in the type of paint to use and the issues needing consideration prior to initiating the process. Spray painting metal presents specific challenges.

Issues To Consider When Choosing A Metal Spray Paint


Typically, metal surfaces are durable and can withstand relatively harsh conditions. However, one must choose paint capable of holding up just as well.

If the painted product is intended to spend extended durations outdoors or will be situated in areas prone to traffic and increased heat, individuals should avoid using spray paint meant for indoor projects. Such products usually have lower durability requirements and will not bode well when exposed to direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and elevated moisture.

Objects intended for outdoor use should be painted using materials designated for outdoor use and have been certified as UV resistant. UV is short for the ultraviolet waves the sun emits, which could cause chipping peeling, and other forms of damage.

Drying Time

The paint jobs of certain objects will be ruined or could render said item useless if exposed to moisture or excessive heat prior to complete drying. Under such circumstances, painters are encouraged to employ water-based in lieu of oil-based paints.

Water-based products tend to dry with the greatest expediency. That said, drying times are not universal. Each individual product will have its own specific duration based upon its chemical formula. Usually, manufacturers will disclose the estimated drying times on product labels.

Capacity To Withstand High Temperatures

Certain spray paints are especially designed to hold up when repeatedly exposed to elevated temperatures. Said attribute will be particularly critical when painting ownings like barbecues, fire pits, and patio furniture continually in the direct line or fire or sunlight.

Any old spray paint is liable to wilt under these conditions. Such destruction will elicit aesthetically-unpleasing and rapidly aging products. Moreover, paint that chips or melts into items like grills could pose a health risk if such materials mix with food.

Another issue to consider is that metal radiates heat more than other surfaces do. Therefore, the heat generated will be more intense than it might initially appear. Ergo, items intended to face such conditions should only be painted using capable materials.

The Specific Type Of Paint

Certain spray paints are better suited for metal application than others. The discussion about choosing indoor or outdoor products has been touched on.

However, spray paints are often equipped with features, like gloss, finishes, colors, and textures. Prior to beginning a project, individuals are implored to consider where the item being painted will be situated, in addition to its intended purpose.

Other Important Considerations

After applying spray paint to a metal surface, said object should be left untouched for at least 24 hours to ensure complete and accurate drying. Furthermore, to ensure the smoothest and neatest application, metal surfaces should be cleared of rust, dirt, and other untoward particles prior to painting.